what is Chinese Medicine

What is Chinese Medicine? or the system behind Acupuncture.

 What is Chinese Medicine? or the system behind Acupuncture.
  • Chinese medicine have three class of treatments.

  • Lower class treat diseases

  • Middle class prevent diseases

  • Upper class longevity

Lower class Even though it sound similar to western medicine for treating disease it still have a different approach . Diseases in Chinese medicine are the inability of the body to found it balance back (HOMEOSTASIS). Helping the body to overcome causes of diseases from external (virus, summer stroke,..) internal related to emotions each organ related to certain behavior ,  Others: constitution, fatigue/over-exertion, excessive sexual activity, diet, trauma, epidemics, parasites and poisons, wrong treatment. Helping the body with natural holistic approach threw acupuncture herbs cupping heat/cooling therapy, exercise diet and meditation.